"I’ll have you! Hen & all!"
"Hawk! Hawk! Hawk! Run! Run! Cluck! Cluck! Hawk’s a coming! Fly Sam & Bill! Take to the water- quick, before he comes! Dive or he’ll get you! Cluck! Cluck! Here Hoyty! Hide between my legs! Hide! Hide Ogden! Run Phillips! Fly Fleming! Come Gratiot! Hawk Boydy! Hawk! Hawk!Linn! Scud Harris! Fly Spencer! Drop gold, & run all! Come under! Come under! I’ll cover you!"
Drawn On Stone [Political Prints from the 1830's and 1840's]
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Artist Unknown
The Treasury-Hen Alarmed
Publisher: H. R. Robinson
Treasury Secretary Levi Woodbury drawn as a hen shelters his chicks from the view of hawk James Harlan, the Kentucky congressman appointed to head the congressional Committee of Investigation into the Swartwout embezzlement scandal.

Two ducks, former Collector of the Port Samuel Swartwout and former federal district attorney William M. Price, swim toward Liverpool, England.  Swartwout was reported to have embezzled $1.25 million.