Flamstead House
Dec. the 14th 1814

Sir /
	The favour of yours was received  
Hope you will not think me Troblesom but the 
House and Swode ground a Barachwood is guest ?
?? I want If you will a comadate me with it 
A leace is not Expected so near your Resedence 
Am no Sportsman No family: but servants havein I
So they lost my Mother � Will Repare is well and 
 paint it and repe the ground in good orders & 
Plant as if it was my one in Every Respect �
Pervided the Rent is Modrate a line in answer will 
be Enteamed a Favour and any day you will April
will wait and on your Stuard and Talke it over with him

   				Am Sir your Most obedant
					J.G. Collins