Sam Milai Exhibition Bibliography

No overall history of African American editorial cartoonists has been written as of 2009.


Bates, Benjamin R., Windy Y Lawrence, Mark Cervenka.  “Redrawing Afrocentrism:  Visual Nommo in George H. Ben Johnson’s Editorial Cartoons.”  Howard Journal of Communications 19:4 (October 2008), 277-296.

Carl, LeRoy M.  “Political Cartoons:  ‘Ink Blots’ of the Editorial Page.”  Journal of Popular Culture 4:1 (Summer 1970), 39-35.

Hill, Draper.  “The United States’ First Black Editorial Cartoonist?”  AAEC Notebook 33 (Spring 1991), 16-18.

Lordan, Edward J.  Politics, Ink:  How America’s Cartoonists Skewer Policians.  (Lanham MD:  Rowman & Littlefield, 2006).

Sullivan, Julie.  “Another Voice:  The Black Cartoonists.”  Media History Digest 5 (Fall1985), 28-31, 46-48.