Handlettering and Typography 4 Comics!

August 12, 2014
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Will Eisner Seminar Room, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Musuem
Room 205, Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street
Columbus OH 43210
Cartoonist and Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) Professor David Allan Duncan presents the process of hand-lettering comics. Sick of ugly digital lettering or cruddy handwriting? Good hand-lettering is a sign of professionalism – ask any comics editor. Explore comics lettering techniques and materials in this hands-on workshop. Learn simple tips and tricks for dialog balloons, inflection, sound effects, display lettering, and incorporating typography into your comics.
Materials provided. This workshop is intended for ages 16 and up. Supervised by BICLM staff members Caitlin McGurk and Marilyn Scott.
Seating is limited. To sign up, contact Caitlin McGurk at mcgurk.17@osu.edu
Questions? Call 614-292-1134.
BIO: David Allan Duncan (who goes by Duncan) has been teaching drawing, sequential art, and comics history since 2003. He began his teaching career at the University of Arizona in Tucson. He now serves as a full-time professor of sequential art at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). He is from Alabama but lives in Savannah, GA with his lovely bride Kristie and their son Oliver. He can be found at conventions and conferences around the country doing comics workshops, giving academic papers, and hocking his mini-comics. (www.gobnobble.com)