Le neuvième art à l’œuvre: bande dessinée for the French classroom | A Continuing Education Workshop for French Teachers

July 30, 2018 - July 31, 2018
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High St.
Columbus OH 43210
This 2-day workshop will introduce teachers to the history of French-language comics and vocabulary needed for textual analysis, as well as address how to create language learning activities based in this kind of authentic text content so as to respect the artistic medium and the goals of the language classroom. Activities are designed to enrich language teaching from the beginning through advanced levels, including attention to AP and IB themes. The workshop will take place in the reading room and classrooms of the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, and all materials (books) and lunches will be provided. The majority of sessions will be conducted in French. The workshop will be facilitated by Ohio State University faculty and staff.
$35 fee
Registration has closed
Deadline is May 15, 2018
1.5 Continuing Education credits
For questions, please contact: cartoonevents@osu.edu
This program is co-sponsored by the Ohio State University Department of French and Italian and is made possible by a generous gift from Engie-Axium.