CXC Talk and Teach: Noah Van Sciver on Coloring

September 27, 2018
10:00 am - 10:50 am
Will Eisner Seminar Room, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Musuem
Room 205, Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street
Columbus OH 43210
Noah Van Sciver is an Ignatz award-winning cartoonist and author who first came to comic readers’ attention with his critically acclaimed comic book series Blammo. He is a regular contributor to MAD Magazine and has created many graphic novels including The Hypo: The Melancholic Young Lincoln, Saint Cole, the Fante Bukowski: Struggling Writer graphic novella series (Fantagraphics Books) and recently released One Dirty Tree (Uncivilized Books), a graphic novel of his childhood memories in the Mormon church. In this presentation, Van Sciver will will demonstrate different techniques on coloring.
A full schedule of CXC events can be found here. All events are FREE and open to the public, including Friday night’s opening reception at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum.