The Art of the News: Comics Journalism

Comics journalism example page drawn by Joe Sacco.

November 12, 2022 - May 7, 2023
1:00 pm


Robinson Gallery, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High St.
Columbus OH 43210

At a time of eroded public faith in traditional news media, comics journalism has emerged as a powerful antidote to disinformation and fake news. Practitioners in this field cover news or nonfiction events using the framework of comics, re-asserting the ethical value of truth-telling, while at the same time highlighting the subjectivity of news coverage in an immediate and accessible way. As such, the best works of comics journalism stand as compelling examples of how the news might be reimagined as an artistic practice.

Comic defining Comics Journalism by Dan Archer

Dan Archer, What is Comics Journalism?, 2014, digital.

Curated by University of Oregon comics studies professor Katherine Kelp-Stebbins, with associate curator and director of comics studies Professor Ben Saunders, The Art of the News is the first major retrospective devoted to this influential genre. The exhibition spotlights original artwork representing over thirty years of reportage by an international group of artists who have developed comics journalism and are pushing the genre in new directions, including Joe Sacco, Gerardo AlbaDan Archer, Thi Bui, Tracy Chahwan, Jesús CossioSarah GliddenOmar KhouriVictoria LomaskoSarah MirkBen PassmoreYazan al-Saadi, and Andy Warner.

Organized by the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, University of Oregon.

*Featured image at top of page: Joe Sacco, page 12 from The Fixer, 2003. Ink on paper, approx. 17 x 22 inches. On loan from the artist.