Towed.  The old way is the surest after all
Harper’s Magazine, May 28, 1910

“Pretty fine crop of corn and beans in that field, eh?
“Looks like succotash to me.”

Harper’s Magazine, July 30, 1910

The Bell-Buoy
Harper’s Magazine, April 14, 1910

The helpmate.  Easter Sunday in the early 2000s
Harper’s Magazine, February 9, 1909

The Easter Surprise
Harper’s Magazine, February 17, 1909

Daughters of the American Revolution
Harper’s Magazine, April 22, 1908

The New Dress

The Only Alternative.  If skirts are worn much higher, the legs will have to be lengthened somehow.

Vote While You Shop
Harper’s Magazine.  August 8, 1909

Cornelia’s Jewels
Harper’s Magazine, October 29, 1910

Senti-mental Arithmetic.  A new course in our girl colleges.
Harper’s Magazine, August 7, 1908

The Chaperone
Harper’s Magazine, June 7, 1907

A Fairy Tale.  And they lived happily ever afterwards
Harper’s Magazine, April 22, 1908

Harper’s Magazine, July 22, 1910

Harper’s Magazine, August 19, 1909

An Unprejudiced Jury? (Charge—bigamy)
Harper’s Magazine, March 7, 1910

Too Bad It is Only a Dream
Harper’s Magazine, October 29, 1910