Drawn On Stone [Political Prints from the 1830's and 1840's]

Drawn on Stone explores American political cartooning during the tumultuous Jacksonian era.  It features thirty rare satirical lithographs recently acquired by the Cartoon Research Library with help from the William J. Studer endowment.  This extraordinary collection illustrates the surge in the creation and distribution of political cartoon broadsides made possible by the relative ease and speed of the new print-making process of lithography.  Several cartoons not found in other major print collections are included. 

View the Exhibition
To view the digital exhibition, go to the Exhibit tab.  A drop down menu lists the exhibit sections or you can view the entire exhibit by starting at the Introduction, then clicking the Next button to proceed through the exhibit. 

To help interpret the cartoons, roll over each one. Pop-up boxes provide:

  • transcripts of speech balloons
  • background information
  • historical context
  • photographs or portraits of historical public figures


This is the digital version of a physical exhibition:
Jenny E. Robb, Curator
Philip Sills Exhibit Hall
The Ohio State University’s William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library

December 19, 2005 - March 19, 2006

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