Cartooning Aids Around the World

September 20, 1999 - January 21, 2000
Reading Room Gallery
27 W. 17th Avenue Mall
Columbus Ohio
Cartooning AIDS Around the World was conceived and organized by David Horsey (the editorial cartoonist for the Seattle Post- Intelligencer who won the 1998 Pulitzer Prize for his work) and Maury Forman (a historian of political cartooning) in 1992 with the assistance of Cartoon, Inc. and Cartoonists & Writers Syndicate. The exhibition is a survey of forty-three international AIDS cartoons and, as such, is an interesting reminder of how our understanding of HIV/AIDS has changed in the intervening years. The exhibit toured to twenty-nine venues throughout the United states under the auspices of Exhibit Touring Services before it was donated to The Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library by its organizers in 1999.
We are grateful to the donors and to the cartoonists who provided their artwork for inclusion in the exhibition and the companion book, Cartooning AIDS Around the World, published by Kendall-Hunt. Additional support for mounting the exhibition initially was provided by Bumbershoot, the Seattle Arts Festival.