Manga at a Crossroads 2015: Development and Globalization of Manga

Manga at a Crossroads: Development and Globalization of Manga

April 4, 2015
1:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High St.
Columbus OH 43210

Since the creation of the first manga magazine, Eshinbun Nipponchi, in Japan in 1874, manga evolved and came a long way. After manga became a widely-accepted form of popular culture in Japan, it was exported to countries like the US and has become an international phenomenon. Manga is no longer a mere source for entertainment for the general public, but also it is a serious subject of academic inquiry.  However, while manga became mainstream and global, its sales in the US have recently been in decline. Although some publishers attribute the sales drop to the market stabilization and maturation, it is clear that manga is at a crossroads. Through two manga symposia, the origin of manga and future directions of this unique art form that started in Japan will be reexamined. The first symposium on March 6, 2015 focused on classical manga. This second symposium on April 4, 2015 is dedicated to diversification and globalization of manga. The participants will also learn about the OSU’s manga materials accessible to them and find out how they can incorporate manga into research, teaching, and learning.

Symposium 2: Manga at a Crossroads: Development & Globalization of Manga

Saturday, April 4:
1:00 pm – 5:30pm, Jean and Charles Schulz Lecture Hall (Room 220), Sullivant Hall
Flyer (pdf)


1:00 pm:   Opening
1:10 pm:   Prof. Masami Toku (California State University, Chico)
“World of Shōjo Manga!: Mirrors of Girls’ Desires”
2:10 pm:   Prof. Jennifer Prough (Valparaiso University)
“Local Texts, Global Audiences: a View from within the Shōjo Manga Industry”
3:15 pm:   Prof. Kerim Yasar (Ohio State University)
“Marketing Manga in the U.S.: Translational Strategies, Transnational Flows”
4:15 pm:  Prof. Casey Brienza (City University London)
“Global Manga: ‘Japanese’ Comics without Japan?”
5:30-7:00 pm:   Reception and gallery opening for World of Shojo Manga! Mirrors of Girls’                               Desires 


East Asian Studies Center, Institute for Japanese Studies, Ohio State University Libraries, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Department of History of Art, Department of Arts Administration, Education & Policy,Division of Arts and Humanities, Association for Asian Studies, Japan Foundation, and US Department of Education (Title VI)

Japan Foundation logo

For more information and printable flyers click here: