Milton Caniff: An American Master

October 8, 2007 - October 28, 2008
Hopkins Hall Gallery
128 North Oval Mall
Columbus Ohio 43210
Milton Caniff changed the history of the American comic strip. He was expert in both the artistic and literary aspects of the medium. The education he received at Ohio State University matured into the “every wrinkle must show” graphic style for which he became famous. He told exciting stories for adults that featured believable, and often sexy, characters.
His rigorous attention to the details of slang, dress, and social mores provides fascinating evidence of changing times over the course of the Twentieth Century. The values that Caniff espoused in his work such as patriotism and fair-play were those of his time, and his failure to understand the cultural changes of the late 1960s mirrored the confusion of many other Americans of his generation. Milton Caniff’s work provides insights into our country’s life and values, despite its exotic locales and fantastic adventures. It is also beautiful to see and fun to read—the hallmark of a good comic strip.