Open House at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum


October 4, 2013
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm


27 W. 17th Avenue Mall
Ohio 43210

“The American Museum of Art” by Ellison Hoover. February 13, 1927, Life v. 89 no. 2309

The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum will be opening up our doors to the public for a free open-house event to coincide with Columbus College of Art and Design’s (CCAD) Mix 2012: Comics Symposium. Enjoy the Reading Room Gallery exhibition Line Dancing, a survey of dance in cartoon art, along with a behind-the-scenes peek at the library stacks and a display of treasures from our collection, including original Bone art by Jeff Smith, original Little Nemo in Slumberland art by Winsor McCay, original Calvin & Hobbes art by Bill Watterson, and original art by P. Craig Russell, acclaimed illustrator of The Sandman, Hellboy, and Coraline.