Roy Doty: Inspired Lines

September 19, 2011 - January 6, 2012
Reading Room Gallery
27 W. 17th Avenue Mall
Columbus Ohio
The only artwork Roy Doty really cares about is the work that is currently on his drawing board. This is not to say that he does not enjoy looking at finished work. He takes great pride in what he has done. The fact is, however, that the act of creating now, in the present, brings him such pleasure and satisfaction that he cannot imagine doing anything else.
Doty’s work cannot be pigeonholed. The cartoonist’s society did not think he was a cartoonist and the illustrators did not think he was an illustrator. In fact, he is both—and much more. Since 1945 he has been a successful free lance artist who never had an agent. He had his own television show, drew a comic strip for three years and won awards for his greeting card art. His advertising clients have included Ford, Macy’s, Perrier and Texas Instruments. At age 89 he is completing a book contract that requires more than 130 full-page, four-color illustrations. He draws a regular monthly magazine home improvement feature and a bi-monthly cartoon for a British publication. What has kept his art fresh is his clean line and flawless sense of design. Although much of Doty’s work was published in black and white, when he has the opportunity to use color, he excels.
Roy Doty, a Columbus resident, graduated from the Columbus College of Art and Design. Most of the works included in Roy Doty: Inspired Lines are from his personal collection. All art is Copyright © Roy Doty and used by permission.
Curated by Lucy Shelton Caswell, Professor Emerita
The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum