How-to Cartoon Books

Ames, Lee J. Draw 50 Famous Cartoons. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979.

Ames, Lee J., and Creig Flessel. Draw 50 People. New York: Doubleday, 1993.

Anderson, Carl. How to Draw Cartoons Successfully: 46 Practical Lessons. New York: Greenberg, 1935.

——. How to Draw Cartoons Successfully. Cleveland: World Publishing, [1942].

Armstrong, Roger. How to Draw Comic Strips. Tustin, CA: Walter Foster Publishing, 1990.

Auerbach-Levy, William. The Art of Caricature. New York: The Art Book Guild of America, [1947].

Auerbach-Levy, William, and Florence Von Wien. Is That Me? A Book about Caricature. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1947.

Barritt, Leon. How to Draw: A Practical Book of Instruction in the Art of Illustration. New York: Harper, 1904.

Barry, Bill. The World of Cartooning! A Complete Guide: How to Draw and Sell Cartoons. Glendale, CA: Bill Barry Enterprises/CB Publications, 1989.

Bartholomew, Charles L. [Bart], and Joseph Almars, eds. Modern Illustrating: Division 1. Minneapolis, MN: Federal Schools, 1925.

Bennett, S. A. How to Write Comic Books. Las Vegas, NV: CB Communications/Bill Barry Enterprises, 1992.

Berger, Oscar. My Victims: How to Caricature. New York: Harper, 1952.

Blitz, Bruce. Drawing Cartoon Animals. Walter Foster Publishing, 1991.

Blitz, Bruce. Drawing Cartoons. Walter Foster Publishing, 1991.

Boughner, Howard. Cartooning Jobs for Beginning Cartoonists. Laguna Beach, CA: Walter T. Foster, n.d.

Breger, David. How to Draw and Sell Cartoons. New York: Putnam, 1966.

Briggs, Clare A. How to Draw Cartoons. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, [1926].

——. How to Draw Cartoons, Illustrated with over Fifty Drawings by Briggs, “Ding”, Bud Fisher, Goldberg, King, Webster, and Many Other Newspaper Artists. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing, [1937].

Brodsky,Gary with Occhino, Al. How to Really Draw Comics. Solson Publications, 1997.

Brodsky, Gary with Shulman, Ben. Secrets of Drawing Erotic & Nude Art. Solson Publications, 1999.

Buckler, Rich. How to Draw Super-Heroes. New York: Solson Publications, 1986.

Byrnes, Gene. A Complete Guide to Cartooning. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, [1950].

——. A Complete Guide to Professional Cartooning. Drexel Hill, PA: Bell Publishing, 1950.

——. Cartooning for Fun and Money. New York: By-Mail Corporation, 1951.

Byrnes, Gene, and A. Thornton Bishop. A Complete Guide to Drawing, Illustration, Cartooning and Painting. New York: Simon and Schuster, [1948].

Carpenter, Dave. Professional Cartooning. Sioux Falls, SD: Creative Comic Syndicate, 1990. 3 videocassettes.

Carlson, George Leonard. Draw Comics! Here’s How. Racine, WI: Whitman, 1933.

Chelsea, David. Perspectives for Comic Book Artists: How to Achieve a Professional Look in Your Artwork. New York: Watson-Guptill, 1997.

Christensen, Don “Arr”, ed. Tips from Top Cartoonists. 2nd ed. Forestville, CA: Eclipse, 1988.

Cleveland, Donald B. Cartooning for the Librarian: A How-to-Do-It Manual. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1992.

Comic Book Greats with Stan Lee [videorecording] / Jim Gates production in association with Marvel Entertainment and New World Video. Stabur Home Video, 1992.

Cory, John Campbell. The Cartoonist’s Art. Chicago: Tumbo, 1912.

Crenshaw, George. How to Draw Cartoons Editors Will Buy. Hollister, CA: Paramount Press, 1991.

Cummings, Richard. Make Your Own Comics for Fun and Profit. New York: H. Z. Walck, 1976.

Doust, Len A. The Art of Caricature and Cartoon. London and New York: F. Warne, n.d.

——. A Manual on Caricature and Cartoon Drawing. London and New York: F. Warne, [1932].

Eisner, Will. Comics and Sequential Art. Tamarac, FL: Poorhouse Press, 1985.

Eisner, Will. Graphic Storytelling. Tamarac, FL: Poorhouse Press, 1995.

Famous Artists Cartoon Course. Westport, CT: Famous Artists Cartoon Course, 1956.

Farrow, Will. Practical Cartooning for Profit. [3rd ed.] London: Hurst and Blackett, [1925]

——. How to Draw Humorous Illustrations, with 37 Illustrations in Black and White Reproduced from the Work of the Author and Other Artists. London: John Lane, 1933.

Ffolkes, Michael. Cartoons. 1st American ed. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, [1963].

Foster, Walter T. Modern Cartoon: How to Draw Sport, Strips, and Spot Cartoons. Laguna Beach, CA: Foster Art Service, n.d.

—— How to Draw Batman. Laguna Hills, CA: Walter Foster, 1998.

——. How to Draw Comic Characters. Tustin, CA: Walter Foster, 1989.

—— How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way [videorecording] / a Jim Gates production in association with Marvel Entertainment and New World Video. Sherman Oaks, CA: R & G Video, c. 1991.

——. How to Draw Story Cartoons. Tustin, CA: Walter Foster, 1989.

—— How to Draw Superman. Laguna Hills, CA: Walter Foster, 1998.

Fraydas, Stan. Graphic Humor. New York: Reinhold Publishing, 1961.

Gabriel, Mike. Gabriel’s Friends: An A to Z Guide to Cartooning the Animal Kingdom. Aurora, CO: Gregory Publishing, 1980.

Gautier, Dick. The Art of Caricature. New York: Putnam, 1985.

——. The Creative Cartoonist. New York: Perigee Books, 1989

Gerberg, Mort. The Arbor House Book of Cartooning. New York: Arbor House, 1983.

——. Cartooning: The Art and the Business. 1st rev. ed. New York: William Morrow, 1989.

Greene, Frank F. How to Create Cartoons: A Textbook for Class Instruction, Cartoon Clubs and Self-Instruction. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, [1926].

Groening, Matt. Cartooning with the Simpsons, New York: Harper Collins, 1993.

Hall, Manning. Making Faces: The Art of Caricature. Laguna Beach, CA: Foster Art Service, n.d.

Hamm, Jack. Cartooning the Head and Figure. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, [1967].

——. Drawing and Cartooning for Laughs. New York: Perigee Books, 1990.

Hart, Christopher. Drawing on the Funny Side of the Brain: How to Come Up with Jokes for Cartoons and Comic Strips. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1998.

Hart, Christopher. How to Draw Cartoons for Comic Strips. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1988.

Herbert, W. A. S. [“Wash”]. Humorous Drawing and Cartooning for the Press. London: Pitman, 1936.

Higgins Ink. The “All American” Art: Cartooning. Brooklyn: Higgins Ink, [1944].

Hodgins, Dick, Sr., and Dick Hodgins, Jr. The Great American Book of Cartooning. Longwood, FL: International Media Systems, 1979.

Hoff, Syd. The Art of Cartooning. New York: Stravon Educational Press, [1973].

——. Syd Hoff Shows You How to Draw Cartoons. New York: Scholastic Book Services, 1979.

——. The Young Cartoonist: The ABC’s of Cartooning. New York: Stravon Educational Press, 1983.

Horn, George F. Cartooning. Worcester, MA: Davis Publications, [1965].

Instruction Paper on Caricature. Battle Creek, MI: School of Applied Art, 1910.

Instruction Paper on Cartooning. Battle Creek, MI: School of Applied Art, 1912.

Instruction Paper on National Types. Battle Creek, MI: School of Applied Art, 1913.

Jardine, Don. Creating Cartoon Characters. Tustin, CA: Walter Foster Publishing, 1989.

Jenkins, Patrick. Animation: How to Draw Flipbooks. Addison-Wesley Publishing,1991.

Keener, Polly. Cartooning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992.

Koller, E. L. Commercial Illustrating and Cartooning. Scranton, PA: International Textbook, 1925.

——. Caricaturing and Cartooning, Prepared Especially for Home Study. Scranton, PA: International Correspondence Schools, [1942, 1944].

Kresse, Bill. An Introduction to Cartooning. New York: Arco Publishing, 1984.

Kubert, Joe. Horror: Joe Kubert’s World of Cartooning [kit]. Dover NJ: Joe Kubert’s World of Cartooning, LLC, 1998.

Landon, C. N. The Landon Course of Cartooning. Cleveland OH: C. N. Landon, [1922-1929?].

Lariar, Lawrence. Cartooning for Everybody. New York: Crown Publishers, 1941.

Lasswell, Fred. Draw and Color Your Very Own Cartoonys Right Along with Uncle Fred. Tampa, FL: Cartoony Enterprises, 1984. Videocassette.

——. Draw and Color a Cartoony Party with Uncle Fred. Livonia, MI: Playhouse Video, 1986. Videocassette.

——. Draw and Color Far-Out Pets with Uncle Fred. Livonia, MI: Playhouse Video, 1987. Videocassette.

——. Draw and Color Funny Doodles with Uncle Fred. Tampa, FL: Fred Lasswell, 1993. Videodisc.

Lee, Stan. How to Create A Comic Book. Excelsior Productions/Stabur Home Video, 1992. Videocassette.

Lee, Stan, and John Buscema. How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way. Fireside ed. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984.

——. How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way. Marvel Entertainment Group/Technicolor Videocassette, 1988. Videocassette.

Lutz, Edwin George. Practical Graphic Figures: The Technical Side of Drawing for Cartoons and Fashions. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1925.

Maddocks, Peter. So You Want to Be a Cartoonist? New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982.

——. Cartooning for Beginners: A Step by Step Guide to Drawing Cartoons. London: Michael O’Mara Books, 1992; distributed in the United States by Seven Hills.

Markow, Jack. Drawing and Selling Cartoons. New York: Pitman, 1956.

——. Cartoonist’s and Gag Writer’s Handbook. Cincinnati, OH: Writer’s Digest, [1967].

——. Drawing Comic Strips. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1972.

Markstein, Don. Hot Tips from Top Comics Creators. New York: Fictioneer Books, Ltd., 1994.

Matthews, E. C. Commercial Art and Cartooning. New York: J. S. Ogilvie Pubishing, 1925.

——. How to Draw Funny Pictures: A Complete Course in Cartooning, with 200 Illustrations by Zim. Chicago: F. J. Drake, [1928].

——. Modern Illustration: A Practical Art Course. Chicago: F. J. Drake, [1936].

Matthews, E. C., and Phillip Albaum. Cartooning and Commercial Art. New York: Illustrated Editions, 1941.

Mckenzie, Alan. How to Draw and Sell Comic Strips: for Newspapers and Comic Books. Cincinnati,OH: North Light Books, 1998.

Muse, Ken. The Secrets of Professional Cartooning! Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1981

——. The Total Cartoonist. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984.

Nelson, Roy Paul. Fell’s Guide to the Art of Cartooning. New York: Frederick Fell, 1962.

——. Cartooning. Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1975.

——. Cartooning. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1975.

——. Comic Art and Caricature. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1978.

——. Humorous Illustration and Cartooning: A Guide for Editors, Advertisers, and Artists. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1984.

Nerman, Einar. Caricature. New York and London: American Studio Books, [1946].

Nordling, Lee. Your Career in the Comics. Kansas City, MO: Andrews and McMeel, 1995.

The Official How to Draw G. I. Joe. El Cajon, CA: Blackthorne, 1987-.

Peters, Mike, and Marilyn Jarvis. The World of Cartooning: How Caricatures Develop. Dayton, OH: Landfall Press, 1985.

Redman, Lenn. How to Draw Caricatures. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1984.

Richardson, John Adkins. The Complete Book of Cartooning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1977.

Richter, Mischa, and Harald Bakken. The Cartoonist’s Muse: A Guide to Generating and Developing Creative Ideas. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1992.

Ross, Al. Cartooning Fundamentals. New York: Stravon Educational Press, 1977.

Salisbury, Mark. Writers on Comics Scriptwriting. London: Titan Books, 1999.

Scott, Elaine. Funny Papers: Behind the Scenes of the Comics. New York, Morrow: Junior Books, 1993.

Shooter, Jim. The Official Marvel Comics Try-Out Book. New York: Marvel Comics Group, 1983.

Simpson, Terry. The Cartoonist’s Bible. England: Foulsham Publishing, 1998.

Smith, Frank Charles. I Can Draw Comics and Cartoons. New York: Wanderer Books, 1982.

Smith, Mitchell. The Art of Caricaturing: A Series of Lessons Covering All Branches of the Art of Caricaturing. Chicago: Frederick J. Drake, 1937.

A Society for the Study of Manga Techniques. How to Draw MANGA. Toykyo: Graphic-sha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1999.

Spencer, Richard. Editorial Cartooning. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1949.

Staake, Bob. The Complete Book of Caricature. Cincinnati, OH: North Light Books, 1991.

——. The Complete Book of Humorous Art. Cincinnati, OH: North Light Books, 1996.

Tallarico, Tony. Drawing and Cartooning Monsters: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Aspiring Monster-Maker. New York: Perigee Books, 1992.

Taylor, Richard Denison. Introduction to Cartooning. New York: Watson-Guptill, [1947].

Thomson, Ross, and Bill Hewison. How to Draw and Sell Cartoons. Cincinnati, OH: North Light, 1985.

Thorndike, Chuck. The Secrets of Cartooning: An Instruction Book on Humorous Drawing. New York: House of Little Books, 1936.

——. The Art of Cartooning: An Advanced Instruction Book on Humorous Drawing. New York: House of Little Books, 1937.

Tollison, Hal. Cartoon Fun. Tustin, CA: Walter Foster Publishing, 1989.

——. Cartooning. Tustin, CA: Walter Foster Publishing, 1989.

Trotter, Stuart. Drawing Cartoons. Carson, CA: Nippan Publications, 1990.

Van Hise, James. How to Draw Art for Comic Books: Lessons from the Masters: Corben, Elder, Foster, Kane, Kubert, Kurtzman, Raymond, Spiegleman, Sprang, Williamson. Las Vegas, NV: Pioneer Books, 1989.

Watson, Leonard J. Caricaturing and Cartooning. Scranton, PA: International Correspondence Schools, 1948.

Waugh, Coulton. Illustrating and Cartooning. Minneapolis, MN: Art Instruction, 1951-

Weaver, Harriett E. [“Petey”]. Cartooning Sports. Worcester, MA: Davis Press, 1949.

Wolfe, Roy. Christian Cartooning: Funny for Something. Sepulveda, CA: Roy Wolfe Creations, 1963.

Wright, Grant. The Art of Caricature. New York: Baker and Taylor, 1904.

Zimmerman, Eugene [Zim]. Cartoons and Caricatures: Or, Making the World Laugh. Scranton, PA: Correspondence Institute of America, 1910.

——. This and That about Caricature. New York: Syndicate Press, 1905.

——. Zim’s Correspondence School of Cartooning, Comic Art and Caricature. Horseheads, NY: 1914.