A Dose of Ink: The Healing Potential of Comics

September 8, 2019
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Will Eisner Seminar Room, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Musuem
Room 205, Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street
Columbus OH 43210
Join master cartoonist Carol Tyler for a workshop on how to turn illness, trauma, and other health challenges into comics stories. You don’t have to be an expert at drawing, just someone willing to share your experience and have fun. Professor Tyler will guide you through the process, from ideas to drawings, and provide helpful tips on how to shape your material. The workshop will include a tour the current exhibit, Drawing Blood: Comics and Medicine with professor and exhibit curator Jared Gardner.
Attendees are required to supply their own preferred art materials.
For more information contact cartoonevents@osu.edu
$10 per person
Registration is closed