"Keep together and the victory is ours."
"Huzza! Onward, we’ll bang slam’im and the rest of them this time."
"Murder! Big Whiskers! Save me! I’m the Ladies favorite. Hoxie! Lovely Emmeline!! – Squint Eye! Oh!!"
"Farewell to all my greatness. This last blow has settled me! My dear Loco Foco, stretch out your arms to me; I die!"
" Arrah be me soul ould Tammany, your faithful Loco Foco will die wid you! I’m< knockt all to smidereens!"
Locofoco was a popular nickname for the Equal Rights party, which split from the Tammany Democrats in 1835.   Tammany Democrats attempted to force the radical faction from a New York nominating meeting by shutting off the gas lamps, but the dissenters simply used a new kind of self-igniting friction match called locofocos to light candles. They proceeded to nominate their own slate of candidates.  The party is depicted as an Irish woman, a reference to the immigrants who usually supported Tammany candidates.
"Let go my skirts, you little premonitory."
"Help me up Price, I’m a gone chicken."
"Run Eli, the jig’s up."
"Aye! Aye! Ming, the Devil take the hindmost!"
Drawn On Stone [Political Prints from the 1830's and 1840's]
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E. W. Clay
The Death of Old Tammany and
His Wife Loco Foco
Publisher: H. R. Robinson

New Yorkers elected the first Whig mayor and Common Council in the municipal elections of 1837. The city had previously been controlled by the Tammany faction of the Democratic party, represented here as a native-American warrior.

Popular Fire Chief James Gulick, who had been ousted by the Tammany Common Council in 1836, leads the victorious Whig newspaper editors of the New York Courier and Enquirer, American, Gazette, Express, and Star against Tammany, Locofoco and a group of prominent Democrats.