Frank Espinosa: Comics, Animation, and Visual Explorations

April 11, 2007
3:30 pm
Reading Room Gallery
27 W. 17th Avenue Mall
Columbus Ohio
The Reading Room Gallery
April 11, 2007
Frank Espinosa is the creator of Rocketo, one of the most original and dynamic serial comics in publication today. From 12:00 – 1:30 pm on the same day, Espinosa will be hosting a brownbag session for students interested in discussing Rocketo and the art and craft of comic narrative. The brown bag will take place in 090 Science and Engineering Library.
These events are co-sponsored by the Narrative and Cognitive Theory Working Group, Cartoon Research Library and the Latino Studies Program.
The event is part of Storytelling 2007, a special year of events and exhibitions celebrating graphic narrative. It will take place on the 100th anniversary of the birth of master-storyteller Milton Caniff, the founding donor of the Cartoon Research Library. Caniff was the creator of the comic strips Terry and the Pirates and Steve Canyon.