Looking Backward, Looking Forward: U.S. Immigration in Cartoons and Comics

November 4, 2017 - April 22, 2018
Friends of the Libraries Gallery, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High St.
Columbus Ohio 43210
“Looking Backward” by Joseph Keppler. Puck, January 11, 1893
Explore the topic of U.S. immigration through the lens of the political cartoons, comic strips, comic books and graphic novels that have contributed to the debate about this important, and often polarizing, issue. Cartoons and comics can enlighten us, challenge our beliefs and misconceptions, and bring attention to injustices. However, history shows they can also reflect and magnify our fears and prejudices. From Thomas Nast to Gene Luen Yang, this exhibit looks back on 150 years of cartoon and comics responses to major moments in the American immigration narrative. In examining the past, it aims to inform the current debate, as we move forward with a story that is fundamental to the American experiment itself.
* Please note that some images may not be appropriate for all audiences.
The galleries will have extended hours and will be open until 5:30 pm and from 7:00-7:30 pm after the panel discussion.
Curated by Jenny Robb, Curator and Associate Professor and Jared Gardner, Professor