The Yellow Kid: Hero of Hogan’s Alley

September 15, 2005 - January 13, 2006
Reading Room Gallery
27 W. 17th Avenue Mall
Columbus Ohio
The Yellow Kid has been described as the first comic strip superstar. His popularity was so enormous that the great rival newspapers in New York City, Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World and William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal, at one time ran competing versions of the Yellow Kid drawn by two cartoonists. The Kid was successfully merchandised by a wide range of products from cigarettes and game cards to dolls and sheet music.
Richard Felton Outcault (1863-1928) created the comic strip Hogan’s Alley, which is considered to be the first significant comic strip in American newspapers. It debuted in 1895 and featured Mickey Dugan, who is better known as the Yellow Kid.
This exhibition features rare examples of original full-color newspaper pages featuring the Yellow Kid from the San Francisco Academy of Comic Art Collection