CXC Talk and Teach: Emi Gennis on Hand Lettering

September 27, 2018
11:00 am - 11:50 am
Will Eisner Seminar Room, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Musuem
Room 205, Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street
Columbus OH 43210
Emi Gennis’ renowned lecture on the art of hand-lettering is a highlight at Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD) where she teaches comics, narrative practice, and illustration as a valued member of their comics-teaching faculty. She creates nonfiction comics and illustrated books, primarily on historical topics. Her work has been included in publications such as Bitch, The Hairpin,and The Nib, including two pieces reproduced in the Eisner-nominated anthology Eat More Comics: The Best of The Nib. In 2016, her autobiographical story Baseline Blvd was nominated for Slate‘s Cartoonist Studio Prize. She is also the editor of Unknown Origins & Untimely Ends, an anthology of nonfiction mystery comics.
A full schedule of CXC events can be found here. All events are FREE and open to the public, including Friday night’s opening reception at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum.