Artistically MAD: Seven Decades of Satire

May 5, 2018 - October 21, 2018
Robinson Gallery, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High St.
Columbus OH 43210
Harvey Kurtzman’s brainchild made its debut as a comic book in 1952 before switching to a magazine format in 1955. Over the ensuing years, MAD has featured artwork by many of the most talented cartoonists in the industry. This comprehensive exhibition will showcase original drawings and paintings by all of the top MAD contributors, including Bill Elder, Jack Davis, Wally Wood, Norman Mingo, Al Jaffee, Sergio Aragonés, Don Martin, Mort Drucker and Tom Richmond.
There will also be displays of vintage MAD magazines and memorabilia branded with the gap-toothed mug of its iconic mascot, Alfred E. Neuman.
Curated by cartoonist and cartoon scholar Brian Walker. Ryan Smith, Assistant Features Editor for the Columbus Dispatch, interviews him in Brian Walker talks MAD Magazine, comic strips