Global Comics Lecture Series: Comics and the Humanization of the Middle Eastern Experience (virtual event)


April 19, 2021
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


In the world of Middle Eastern cartoons and graphic novels, the majority of artists focus on important societal issues including politics, government, war, protests and more. However, very few artists address the individuals who are living through and affected by these experiences. Join International and Area Studies at The Ohio State University Libraries for our next installment of the Global Comics Lecture Series featuring Iasmin, a Middle Eastern, Muslim, queer and trans comic artist, for a discussion about:

*Humanizing Middle Eastern people and their stories in a world that politicizes them, and how these themes can be shared through comics

*The intersection of queer, trans and Middle Eastern identities in the past, present and future

*The importance of representation in art

*Healing trauma through art

Sponsored by: The Ohio State University’s Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Slavic and East European Studies, and East Asian Studies Center, with funds from the U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant, the Area Studies Department, University Libraries, The Department of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures.

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