Past Events

  • Obstacle Course: Oulipo and the Creative Potential of Constraints Obstacle Course: Oulipo and the Creative Potential of Constraints May 11, 2013

    Wexner Center for the Arts
    May 11, 2013

    Cartoonist Matt Madden, creator of 99 Ways to Tell a Story: Exercises in Style, talks about his work and how the arbitrary constraints of Oulipo have produced great art in all kinds of media.

    Do you think you could make a comic where each panel would only show an extreme close-up of a hand? Or where each panel zooms in closer to a single object? A comic that you can read in more than one direction? Many great works of art begin from willfully perverse constraints or rules such as these. Drawing not just from comics but from literature, film, and music—both popular and experimental—Madden describes the lineage of creativity first identified by Oulipo, a French literary group whose name translates loosely to “workshop for potential literature.”

    Cosponsored by the Wexner Center for the Arts and the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum.

  • Open House at the Cartoon Library & Museum Open House at the Cartoon Library & Museum April 17, 2013

    The Reading Room Gallery
    April 17, 2013

    Enjoy the Reading Room Gallery Exhibition, Light:  A Forgotten 19th Century Humor Magazine, along with behind-the-scenes tours of the library stacks and a display of treasures from our collection, including originalBone art by Jeff Smith, original Calvin and Hobbes art by Bill Watterson, and original art by P. Craig Russell, acclaimed illustrator of Ring of the NibelungThe Sandman, Hellboy, and Coraline.

    This event is in conjunction with SPACE, Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo.

    The first 20 people through the door will receive single day passes to SPACE!

  • Multicultural Comics: A Panel Discussion Multicultural Comics: A Panel Discussion April 14, 2013

    Wexner Center for the Arts
    April 14, 2013

    Join a panel of Ohio State scholars this discussion of issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality within and outside the U.S. comic book industry.

    The panel is inspired by the recent book Multicultural Comics: From Zap to Blue Beetle, edited by Frederick Luis Aldama, Arts and Humanities Distinguised Professor of English at Ohio State.

    Cosponsored by Ohio State’s Latino and Latin American Studies Space for Enrichment and Research (L.A.S.E.R.), Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, Humanities Institute, and Popular Culture Studies.

  • Open House at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum Open House at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum April 12, 2013

    The Reading Room Gallery
    April 12, 2013

    The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum will be opening up its doors to the public from 5-7pm on Friday, April 12th for a free open-house event to coincide with the 2013 Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo (SPACE). Enjoy the Reading Room Gallery exhibition, A. B. Walker’s World, along with behind-the-scenes tours of the library stacks and a display of treasures from the collection, including original Bone art by Jeff Smith, original Little Nemo in Slumberland art by Winsor McCay, original Calvin and Hobbes art by Bill Watterson, and original art by P. Craig Russell, acclaimed illustrator of The Sandman, Hellboy and Coraline.

  • The Intergalactic Nemesis, Book One: Target Earth The Intergalactic Nemesis, Book One: Target Earth October 12, 2012

    Mershon Auditorium
    October 12, 2012

    A Live-Action Graphic Novel
    For ages 7 and up

    Are you ready for an adventure? This one-of-a-kind theater spectacle mashes up radio drama and comic books. Three actors voicing dozens of characters, bunches of sound effects, and more than 1,000 colorful, hand-drawn images projected on a gigantic screen tell the story of reporter Molly Sloan, her intrepid assistant Timmy Mendez, and a mysterious librarian named Ben Wilcott as they face the planet Earth’s impending invasion by sludge monsters from the planet Zygon. Set in the year 1933, this lively sci-fi comedy captures the vibrant action of early comic books and radio broadcasting, while utilizing modern-day technology to bring the story to life.

    Featured on NPR’s All Things Considered and TBS’s Conan (with a guest performance by Conan O’Brien himself,) Intergalactic Nemesis promises to engage comics fans of all ages with its signature blend of radio drama and uproariously fun storytelling. Combining punchy visuals with equally exciting acting and sound technology, the performance pays homage to a rich storytelling tradition, while standing on its own as a hilariously self-aware contemporary stage adventure. Creator Jason Neulander also likens the show to such adventure classics as Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

    For information on purchasing tickets, click on the link above to the Wex.

    Cosponsored by the Wexner Center for the Arts, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, and The Ohio State University Libraries.