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Tag Archives: Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
Caitlin McGurk is the recipient of the Annual Award in Teaching Excellence for 2016.
The award was presented by Libraries’ Teaching & Learning Committee, with the approval of Vice-Provost and Director of Libraries Damon Jaggars.
Caitlin demonstrated exemplary teaching performance during 2016 through a wide range of involvement with many dimensions of teaching: classroom instruction, gallery tours, curriculum planning with faculty, exhibit preparation linked with pedagogy, and outreach to diverse audiences. She excelled at finding opportunities for embedding cartoons and visual materials across a variety of subject areas, and in engaging with faculty in curriculum planning involving the non-textual materials available at the BICLM.
Caitlin’s agility in teaching across a wide range of courses demonstrates her adaptability and resourcefulness in bringing the unique resources of the BILCM collections to life for many faculty and students, and for others in the local community. Her outreach role has brought increasing national attention to the resources of the BILCM and to their potential for enriching curricula and deepening community engagement, and for enhancing the creativity of students and community members themselves.